Tens Therapy
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a therapy that uses low-voltage electrical current for pain relief. The current is delivered by a small, battery-powered machine with two electrodes (wires that conduct electrical current) stuck to your skin either side of your knee. Often these machines have the ability to change the wavelength / frequency of the electrical energy, or the machine has programs to deliver the electricity in various patterns.
The theory is that when the current is delivered, the electricity stimulates the nerves and sends signals to the brain that block or “scramble” the normal pain signals. Another theory is that when the nerves are stimulated, it helps the body produce natural painkillers called endorphins. Both theories would assist the patient in perceiving less pain.
The TENS machine can is usually used on it’s own, but it is also possible nowadays to have the TENS machine incorporated into a knee brace, with the goal of delivering pain control and stability / support at the same time.
Be Aware
TENS machines are generally considered safe, although improper use can increase risk. Make sure you follow the instructions, or
consult a physician if you have any doubts on the correct usage of your device.